Water Replenishment District board members vote themselves credit cards, eliminate restrictions on international travel

LAKEWOOD – With the Bell city payroll scandal still in the news, members of a regional water district board voted to give themselves credit cards.

But the move split the board, with member Lillian Kawasaki calling the new perk approved in a 3-2 vote last week by directors of the Water Replenishment District of Southern California a step backward.

“Now more than ever we need to have greater transparency and accountability to the public by elected officials,” said Kawasaki, who voted no along with member Rob Katherman.

“The vote on international travel and credit cards are all steps backwards. We’re moving in the wrong direction. It could further erode the confidence the public has in public officials,” she said.

The district manages ground water for nearly 4 million residents in 43 cities in southern Los Angeles County.

Read more: Water Replenishment District board members vote themselves credit cards, eliminate restrictions on international travel – Whittier Daily News http://www.whittierdailynews.com/news/ci_15871578#ixzz0xXu8gQau

Cash-Strapped University Shelling out Millions on Bottled Water

The New York Times reported that the University of California, which recently had to raise student fees and lay off workers because of budget cuts, has spent $2 million in the last couple of years on bottled water for its San Francisco and Berkeley campuses.

Cash-Strapped University Shelling out Millions on Bottled Water

The New York Times reported that the University of California, which recently had to raise student fees and lay off workers because of budget cuts, has spent $2 million in the last couple of years on bottled water for its San Francisco and Berkeley campuses.

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